Neville Graham

Neville currently heads up the Farmer Services division within Dale Farm. Dale Farm is comprised of 1300 members supplying milk predominantly in Northern Ireland with a smaller cohort of producers in SW Scotland & NE England. Dale Farm is the largest UK farmer owned Co-operative handling approximately 1 billion litres of milk per annum.

Farmer Services team comprise of a team of staff who liaise on a daily basis with producers, this team includes Farm Liaison Officers, a Red Tractor Quality Assurance Manager and Sustainability Advisers. Within the division they also provide a range of services to their producers which includes milk recording & herd health testing through our Dairy Herd Management team, bulk tank installation and servicing provided by their team of engineers which has recently been extended to include milking parlour maintenance and installation.

As an agricultural graduate Neville has worked in mainstream farming roles all of his career. Prior to joining Dale Farm he was a college lecturer specialising in dairy and business management, a farm adviser covering both beef/sheep and dairy production and Farm Director of the CAFRE estate based at Greenmount College, Antrim.