Sean McDermott & Rory Blight
Sean and Rory are the owners of Source Grow, which helps chefs, businesses, and communities to source sustainable local produce, delivered straight from farm to kitchen. Sean and Rory will be discussing how Source Grow has been successful in helping businesses purchase from local growers.
Sean has worked in community-focused organic horticulture and agriculture for the last decade. Recently he has become director of a local food procurement company called Source Grow, which has been involved in the Sustainable Food Partnership NI, in particular, as chair of a focus group on procurement.
Rory has a background working in social care and with communities. He has an interest in connecting people to their local wildlife, environment and food. Director of local food procurement company; Source Grow, which aims to give local producers a direct route to market. Rory also works at a cut-flower farm operating on peat free and organic principles.